Joy is an inside job - Jummie Ogunyemi


I recently heard the exact words “Joy is an inside job” from the Holy Spirit of God. It was clear to me that God wants me to share this message for the month of March. Happy new month to you! Every month, I wait on the Lord to give me a new word to share. So, what is joy? According to the Webster Dictionary, joy is defined as a feeling of pleasure or happiness that comes from success, good fortune, or a sense of well-being, and also something that gives pleasure or happiness.

Joy is a fruit from the holy spirit “The fruit of the [Holy] Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, [and] self-control” ( Galatians 5:22–23 ).  Happiness is temporal Joy Is everlasting.

Joy is an inside job - Jummie Ogunyemi





The Bible defines faith as the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen. When you face trials, you can experience joy through faith. Joy is an inner feeling that manifests outwardly, just like faith. Faith is also an inside job, and having faith through trials can help you develop perseverance. In James 1:2-4, it is written that we should consider it pure joy whenever we face trials of any kind. This is because the testing of our faith produces perseverance. We should allow perseverance to finish its work so that we can become mature and complete individuals, lacking nothing.


Jesus promised his disciples that he would send them the Comforter when he left, knowing they would face many trials and afflictions. In John 16:7, he said, “Nevertheless I tell you the truth; It is expedient (better, profitable) for you that I go away: for if I go not away, the Comforter will not come unto you; but if I depart, I will send him unto you.” After receiving the Holy Spirit, they would be empowered, as mentioned in Acts 1:8: “And ye shall receive power after the holy spirit comes upon you.”

In Acts 16:16-40, we see the story of Paul and Silas, who faced various trials and were falsely imprisoned. Despite their difficult circumstances, they possessed the fruit of the Holy Spirit and chose to worship and praise God. Through their intimacy with the source of joy, Jesus, they were able to find comfort and strength during their hardship.


When facing a difficult problem, sometimes the solution can be found through praise and worship to God. David, a man who was known for being after God’s own heart, was a constant worshipper and praiser of God, even during times of trial. Despite his anointing to be king, he was forced to live as a fugitive in caves and wildernesses. Later in his reign, he committed adultery with a married woman and had her husband murdered. He also had a dysfunctional family, with one son plotting to take his throne away. However, despite all of his troubles, David always asked God for forgiveness and found joy in God’s steadfast love and faithfulness. If you have prayed and prayed about a situation and nothing seems to be happening, try worshipping and praising God.

The Sahlgrenska Academy researchers at the University of Gothenburg in Sweden conducted a study on the heart rates of high school choir members. They measured the changes in heart rates of the choir members using pulse monitors attached to their ears while they sang a Swedish hymn. The researchers found that when the choir began to sing, their heart rates slowed down and became synchronized with each other. The readout from the pulse monitors showed uniform peaks, indicating that the heart rates had fallen into a shared rhythm guided by the song tempo.

The study highlights the power of music to connect people in spirit and unify them. The Bible instructs us to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace, as there is one body, one Spirit, one hope, one Lord, one Faith, one Baptism, and one God and Father of all who is above all and through all and in us all (Ephesians 4:3-6). Worship can help us eliminate complaints and approach God with a heart of thanksgiving.

According to neuroscience, specific hormones play a crucial role in the mood elevation triggered by listening to music. Emotional responses, particularly to worship music, often lead to the release of Oxytocin, also known as the “cuddle hormone,” and Dopamine, also known as the “happy hormone,” which significantly uplifts your mood. The connection between music and emotion is scientifically proven, which is why the Bible instructs us to “Sing to the Lord a new song” (Psalm 96:1).


In the biblical story of Mark 4:35-41, Jesus and his disciples were crossing a lake when a severe storm arose. The wind and waves were so strong that they threatened to capsize the boat. Despite the danger, Jesus was sleeping at the back of the boat on a cushion. The disciples woke him up, asking if he cared that they were about to die.

Jesus, with unwavering confidence, stood up and rebuked the wind, saying, “Quiet! Be still!” Immediately, the wind stopped blowing, and the waves became calm. Jesus then turned to his disciples, expressing his disappointment and asking why they were so afraid. He reminded them that they should have faith in God and not be fearful. The disciples were amazed and wondered who Jesus was, as even the wind and waves obeyed him.

When you allow Jesus to take the driver seat of your life, you’ll experience an uncommon peace and joy that nothing else can provide. No matter what challenges come your way, having Jesus as your leader will give you the confidence to face them head-on. Give your heart to Him today and start living a life filled with purpose and meaning.

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By JummieOGblog

Jummie Ogunyemi is a wife, mother, entrepreneur, and co-pastor of God’s Grace Ministry. She is a dynamic teacher of the Word of God and a children's book author. Jummie is also the founder of the IHOPE women's conference and a lover of Christ. She assists her husband in ministry and teaches Bible stories for kids on YouTube weekly to children all over the world. Jummie Ogunyemi is extremely passionate about the work of God and shares the love of God in all she does. She is a full-time entrepreneur and has a great passion for women in the marketplace. Jummie Ogunyemi has been inspired by the Holy Spirit to use this platform to share her teachings and inspirations from God.