Daniel Fast x New Year

What Is Daniel Fast?

Daniel fast originates from the bible in the book of Daniel 1; 8-14. In verse 12 Daniel told the chief of the eunuchs  “Test your servants for ten days; let us be given vegetables to eat and water to drink.” Furthermore in verse 13 Daniel told him “then let our appearance and the appearance of the youths who eat the king’s food be observed by you, and deal with your servants according to what you see.” When the great tribulation  was revealed to him in chapter 10, he denied himself of desirable food for 3 weeks. He fasted because he was expecting from God.

Daniel was 100% confident in God, therefore he knew not eating from the king’s table will not change the way he looked. Furthermore, He knew eating from the King’s table will defile himself with the King’s food which was dedicated to his gods. 

Why I Choose Daniel Fast?

I love Daniel fasting, I started Daniel Fasting in 2017 and I have done this at the beginning of every year ever since. Normally, I fast for 21 days, to connect deeper with God and cleanse both physically and spiritually, eating only vegetables, fruits, nuts, whole wheat and legumes. The first week is the most challenging, however by the second week I start to feel much better, healthy and energized. It’s amazing how my body starts to feel different after only one week. In addition, God’s purpose for all his children is to live a healthy lifestyle. Thus, He created nature, food, herbs, crops, fruits and everything he created is good for our wellbeing.

God’s purpose for all his children is to live a healthy lifestyle.

Lately, I wake up with a burst of energy, besides I no longer feel exhausted after sleeping all night. Specifically, I have so much clarity of mind and my body feels amazing.  Simultaneously, you are truly what you eat, your body is God’s vessel and it should be treated as such (1 Corinthians 6:19). Furthermore, Daniel fast teaches me self control, I become more aware of what goes in my body. As a result, it encourages me to keep a good healthy diet. 

Foods You Can’t Eat on the Daniel Fast

  • Animal products: All meat, dairy, seafood, and eggs.
  • Sweeteners: Agave nectar, artificial sweeteners, brown rice syrup, brown sugar, cane juice, corn syrup, honey, malt syrup, molasses, raw sugar, sugar, and other syrups.
  • Leavened bread: Bread made with yeast.
  • Refined and processed foods: Foods that contain artificial flavorings, artificial preservatives, food additives, white flour, and white rice.
  • Deep-fried foods: All fried foods.
  • Solid fats: Butter, lard, margarine, and shortening.
  • Chocolate: Milk chocolate, semi-sweet chocolate, dark chocolate, chocolate syrup, and cocoa.
  • Some beverages: Alcohol, coffee, and other caffeinated beverages.

My Daniel Fast Breakfast Recipes

I just found out on my tiktok page that honey is not allowed during Daniel fasting 🙁 Note to self – Make sure you research first before you embark on Daniel fast and it doesn’t matter if you did it the year before always research again to jog your memory 🙂

Daniel fasting

To begin with, I am not sure why I thought it was ok, in fact I  have been doing this for 4 years but I never researched honey, since it is a natural sweetener. Apparently, it defeats the purpose of denying your body of any type of pleasure, since honey is sweet.

Strawberry and Apple Oatmeal

Strawberry and Apple oatmeal


Oatmeal , apples, strawberries, dried cranberries, sun-flower seeds, almonds and 3 spoons of coconut milk.

Strawberry Banana Smoothie

Daniel fast breakfast smoothie
Daniel fast breakfast smoothie


Strawberries, Raspberries, Banana, 2 tea spoons of 100% organic raw peanut butter and coconut milk.

Spinach Berries Smoothie

Daniel fast breakfast smoothie
Daniel fast breakfast smoothie


Spinach, Strawberries, Banana, Raspberries, 2 tea spoons of 100% organic raw peanut butter and coconut milk.

Daniel Fast Launch Recipe

Daniel fast Lunch idea


Kale Salad – kale, carrots, quinoa and dried cranberries, and balsamic vinaigrette.

Side dish Ingredient:

Sweet Potatoes, Mushrooms, green & yellow peppers, onions, tofu, Jalapeño, olive oil, fresh rosemary herb, fresh thyme herb, salt.

Directions to cook

Add 2 spoons of olive oil in your stir fry pan, add ingredients cook slowly, add a half a tea spoon of salt. 

Daniel Fast Dinner Recipe 


Kale Salad 

Kale, green Onions, dried cranberries, sunflower seeds, almonds, sesame seeds, sea weed, carrot and balsamic vinaigrette.

Listen to my podcast about Daniel fast.

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By JummieOGblog

Jummie Ogunyemi is a wife, mother, entrepreneur, and co-pastor of God’s Grace Ministry. She is a dynamic teacher of the Word of God and a children's book author. Jummie is also the founder of the IHOPE women's conference and a lover of Christ. She assists her husband in ministry and teaches Bible stories for kids on YouTube weekly to children all over the world. Jummie Ogunyemi is extremely passionate about the work of God and shares the love of God in all she does. She is a full-time entrepreneur and has a great passion for women in the marketplace. Jummie Ogunyemi has been inspired by the Holy Spirit to use this platform to share her teachings and inspirations from God.