When I started my own small business online I never thought about how many people it will reach or will it even be visible to people or not? But all this doesn’t stop me from becoming who I am today. 

Along the way, I learned quite interesting things that I want to share with you today.

About my journey

My journey started in 2010 when I got married to my wonderful husband Elijah. I always had the knack for collecting knowledge about essential oils and natural hair care remedies. So with great courage, and a little help from my sister-in-law I started Glammed Natural oil company. 

I, myself have dealt with postpartum alopecia, and only then did I realize how important hair is for every woman. Now I encourage and support all the women to follow their passion. No, the path has been rough indeed, but as I always say, the only mantra to true success is fall, fall, and rise again. The following tips helped me in my business. Now I am sharing these with you so that you can also reach the height of success.

Build trust with the customer

A customer is the pillar of strength in any business. Customers are given first priority in terms of growth and popularity, whether it is a small organization or a large conglomerate. Customers, in general, are the end-users of any type of product or service offered by an organization. Trust is a fundamental unit upon which every company strives to build a customer. When it comes to dealing with the market, nothing can surpass this particular factor. Every business has a target market for its products or services.

I plan out the various strategies for making the product more efficient and easier to use based on this segmented group of customers. Now comes the relationship of trust-building. A particular organization’s product can only shine in the market if the customer believes in it. Trust becomes a company’s sole differentiator. Not only the product but also the company’s brand image, is dependent on the customer’s trust. Every young entrepreneur should remember that the most important factor in making a business viable in the market is the relationship of trust with the customers.

Continue to Learn

There is no such thing as the end of learning. Every businessman should be learning something new. Even if one is very experienced in the process of running a business, learning new things is always a good exercise. In the case of young entrepreneurs, learning is critical because it is the only way for them to hone their business skills. Market research is an important part of the learning process. Everyone who is about to start a business should be involved in the process of studying and analyzing the market in order to properly establish the business.

Go for your passion

One may dismiss the power of passion as human mistakes, but at the end of the day, passion can only help you achieve your goals. Nothing can stop a person who is passionate about becoming a businessman from achieving his or her goals. Passion can lead to the establishment of a business. A young mind should be imbued with the desire to build a business empire.

Figure things out along the way

While running a business, a businesswoman may encounter a variety of issues. A person should be able to figure things out at the right time and create a space free of all obstacles. One of the most important qualities for any individual running a business firm is the ability to assess any problem.

If you are just about to launch your startup, don’t listen to what others have to say. Listen to your skill, heart, and knowledge and you will be a successful entrepreneur one day like me.

Start Your Own Business Today!

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By JummieOGblog

Jummie Ogunyemi is a wife, mother, entrepreneur, and co-pastor of God’s Grace Ministry. She is a dynamic teacher of the Word of God and a children's book author. Jummie is also the founder of the IHOPE women's conference and a lover of Christ. She assists her husband in ministry and teaches Bible stories for kids on YouTube weekly to children all over the world. Jummie Ogunyemi is extremely passionate about the work of God and shares the love of God in all she does. She is a full-time entrepreneur and has a great passion for women in the marketplace. Jummie Ogunyemi has been inspired by the Holy Spirit to use this platform to share her teachings and inspirations from God.