Start Your Own Business

Are you willing to start your own business? Well, you are not alone in the journey. There are thousands of people out there who dream to start up their own company. Few could stand up among the crowd, and the rest give up. The ones who lose courage have a similarity, i.e. not having a proper framework of their business ideas. To help you guide, the business tycoon Jummie Ogunyemi has shared the best tips on how to start from scratch. Let’s dive into it!

Assess the objective of your business 

Dreaming big is worthy only when you know your goals. Every business type requires a foolproof and unique blueprint. But, before everything, you need to ask yourself a few fundamental questions. Those inquiries start with Why, What, Who, and How? 

  • Why do you want to start your business, and why your targeted audience would show interest?
  • What products and services to include so that your target audience will show up to you, leaving all your alternatives? 
  • Who is your targeted audience?
  • How would you commence? 

Keep a note 

After you evaluate your business goal, it’s time to give it a shape. And for that, keeping a note is essential. Whenever you think of a dynamic plan, note it down so that you do not have to spend any extra time recalling it later. A simple yet detailed roadmap can turn a start-up into a successful venture. A newly established business takes enough time to take off. And when you keep your calm and prepare your written business plan carefully, the hard work shows results within a year.

  • Your note should comprise:
  • Marketing and promotion ideas
  • Pricing strategy 
  • Your vision 
  • Your mission 
  • A thorough course of action 

Find a catchy name and create a unique Logo 

Now, this is unquestionably a crucial part of a business. The name of your company and its logo has the power to capture audience interest. Both should highlight the chief purpose of your endeavor. And before naming your business, there are a few things that you need to keep in mind, they include:

  • The name should be simple and easy-to-pronounce and remember
  • It should convey your business goal (…just like Jummie Ogunyemi did. She wants to inspire every woman to become a prominent figure in the business world and should be renowned across the nation).
  • The name should stand out of the ordinary 
  • And when it’s time to make your ultimate decision, take your time and consult with your mentor. 

Speaking of the business logo, you can always trust the professionals. Tell them what you aspire to, and they will surely help you create the best! 

Strengthen your online presence 

Since the entire world has been digitalized, creating a responsive website for your company is a top priority. After you register your domain name, develop a website for your venture. For e-commerce sites, Shopify is probably the best tool. It comes with a much reasonable monthly charge, along with the functionality of a shopping cart. And speaking of the online presence, social media platforms play a vital role..create your business accounts on top-notch social media platforms. Also, make sure to create an official mail address for your business. 

A physical establishment is equally important

Even though your online presence is strong, your audience will want to know whether you have a physical enterprise, this gives them the assurance of authenticity. Now comes the difficult part, finding the perfect location and obtaining the required licenses and permissions. Few states encourage new businesses by offering credits and tax incentives in certain precincts. So, make your research wisely. 

Business License and  Insurance 

All your plans, hard efforts, patience, and the dream will be meaningless unless you have a strong security policy. License and Insurance are a two-way process where both your business and your consumers will get the assurance of financial protection from unexpected circumstances. Professional liability insurance secures you from the unforeseen troubles you could face while offering your products and services. 

Plan your budget 

Yet another essential aspect is the BUDGET. While estimating the budget, don’t just map out the initiate cost, count on the expenses that you need to run your venture as well. Also, considering the backup is significant. 

While estimating the start-up cost, add the following attributes to your list:

  • Licenses and permits 
  • Business insurance 
  • Equipment 
  • Inventory 
  • Legal expenses 
  • Rental Lease
  • Trademarking 
  • Market research and advertising   

Whereas the attributes of ongoing costs include:

  • Employee wages 
  • Travel and living expenses
  • Marketing and promotion 
  • Production including supplies 
  • Other utilities 

Innovative marketing approaches 

The more unique and innovative your marketing approaches are, the better you can reinforce your consumer base. First of all, you need a profound knowledge about your market to understand the needs and demands. And then, run your Facebook and Google ads and other marketing campaigns accordingly. Giving away promotional products is currently on the hype. Also, keep your eye on your audience’s response towards your offered products and services. In this case, your social media accounts can help you a lot. Endorse your services and products through social media platforms using high-quality graphics and information-rich engaging content. 

Select a potent team

An organization is nothing without quality workmanship and team efforts. So, put together a team that can help flourish your business immensely. Hire promising in-house employees, freelancers, consultants, contractors, and everything you need to make your dream project a real success. 

Business growth ideas 

Most of the newcomers in the industry meet difficult situations like losing sales because of rush. You’d surely don’t want that, right? So, take it slow and think of more pioneering ideas to implement to your business, like going through the latest and trendiest marketing trends, expanding services and product lines, testing brand new ideas, etc. 

Hopefully, you now know where to start from? One more thing, never let anyone demotivate you, stick by your plan, and you will surely get the taste of success. 

Start Your Own Business Today!

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By JummieOGblog

Jummie Ogunyemi is a wife, mother, entrepreneur, and co-pastor of God’s Grace Ministry. She is a dynamic teacher of the Word of God and a children's book author. Jummie is also the founder of the IHOPE women's conference and a lover of Christ. She assists her husband in ministry and teaches Bible stories for kids on YouTube weekly to children all over the world. Jummie Ogunyemi is extremely passionate about the work of God and shares the love of God in all she does. She is a full-time entrepreneur and has a great passion for women in the marketplace. Jummie Ogunyemi has been inspired by the Holy Spirit to use this platform to share her teachings and inspirations from God.