The Career Queen x Tinu A

My Interview with Tinu A (Founder of the luxury career club)

Looking to change careers? Navigating your job search or career shouldn’t be so hard or confusing. Now, it is with great pleasure I bring to you Tinu A, who is the founder of the Luxury Career Club. She is determined, persistent, fearless and her journey into entrepreneurship is beyond inspirational. Hope her story inspires you to take that leap of faith to go for what you are passionate about.

What advice will you give your younger self?

The thing is people tell me I look like a teenager. Okay, let’s be serious!

I would pray and read my Bible more. Why ? Well it is my belief that when I seek God’s face, I receive divine direction. Secondly, I would ask more questions. I would journal and write my thoughts down and be more daring. I would focus less on what people thought about me, because their opinions don’t pay my bills. Now, this is important, because if I understood the power of networking back then, I would have done that years ago. I was just too introverted to understand that your network is net worth.  Here is some advice, to all the other introverts out there. It’s okay! Being an introvert is not a disease, nor is there any proof that it’s a limit. I know now that I am fearfully and wonderfully made, and I deserve a seat at any table, I want to sit.

What inspired you to take
the path of
Everybody has a
story, what is your story?

I decided to officially become a full-time entrepreneur in April of 2021. And yes, I still thank God for his favor and grace.  Why? Because there were times where I was unsure of what would happen next. In the 4th quarter of 2020, I founded the well-known Career Queens Club on Clubhouse. It was the first of its kind, and it remains the leading audio career club on clubhouse with over 30,000+ professionals. With the overwhelming success of this club, I have been able to successfully place over 1000+ professionals in high level roles.

Have you ever raised funds for your business? If yes? How did you raise
funds? Where did you seek funds?  What is the most amount you’ve ever

Of course, I raised a lot of money for The Luxury Career Club. When I decided to take my business seriously, I invested a lot of my personal savings into my business.  Probably, like the worst idea ever. We live and learn for sure!

For example, to give my clients, the luxury experience they deserve.  I invested in systems such as Dubsado. Dubsado is a customer relationship manager that streamlines business processes for optimal customer experience. I have currently invested more than $10K into my business. To get funding, I connect with funding platforms such as Ask Alice and check for funding opportunities provided by the state.

Relationship building – Let’s talk about this! How important is relationship
building for you and how did it help your business?

Relationship building is very important. It is the cornerstone of any successful business. In order to build trust within my community and my brand I continuously strive to build strong relationships with potential customers and my network. If I didn’t take building community seriously, I wouldn’t have been able to build a community of over 250K. I start building a healthy rapport with clients during initial meetings.  I do this to see if we are a good fit, because I do not work with every client. Oh, and it’s not just with clients, businesses too. Here’s some advice, start attending networking events, because you never know how much a business will need your expertise.

Do you take risks? What risk did you take? Was it a good or bad risk? What would you do differently?

Yes, of course. The first risk I ever took was making the decision to start my own business. That was super scary for me. I am not someone that likes to feel like I don’t have a sense of security.  I had to pray about the next chapter of my life. I mean when we say we want to start focusing on our business, most people will ask you about you maintaining your lifestyle. Guess what, I didn’t have the answer but I stepped out on faith, and I just did it. I am a firm believer that faith without works is dead, and truly God has been faithful. In addition to that, every tactical decision that I make in my business is a risk.

What do you do for personal growth and development?

There have been several times where I felt like giving up. For instance, no one ever told me that entrepreneur life would be so hard. OK, I’m over exaggerating just a little bit, however when you’re starting out create processes! I cannot stress this enough, it will save you so much time, and energy.

If you don’t, you’ll start to burn out so reach out to people who have done this already.

How do you self-care?

Let me be honest, sometimes, I forget to take care of myself. Beauty is my self care. I work out, I read my Bible, I connect with community, I dance. If you know me I love Zumba, and most importantly I travel.

What advice would you give to anyone who is about to embark on the
entrepreneurship journey?

I would tell them to do their research, find their niche and connect with people in their target Industry.  Give yourself grace and take it easy!

Was there ever a God moment during your journey? Can you share your testimony?

It’s always been God!

From the time that I decided that I wanted to start my business it’s always been God. He has never left me. God calls the under-qualified — qualified. God changed me from an introvert to a successful entrepreneur that has a community of over 250,000 professionals.
Thank you, Jesus!

Tinu can be reached via email, website and social media:



IG:  @theluxurycareerclub

Linkedin:  Linkedin URL

By JummieOGblog

Jummie Ogunyemi is a wife, mother, entrepreneur, and co-pastor of God’s Grace Ministry. She is a dynamic teacher of the Word of God and a children's book author. Jummie is also the founder of the IHOPE women's conference and a lover of Christ. She assists her husband in ministry and teaches Bible stories for kids on YouTube weekly to children all over the world. Jummie Ogunyemi is extremely passionate about the work of God and shares the love of God in all she does. She is a full-time entrepreneur and has a great passion for women in the marketplace. Jummie Ogunyemi has been inspired by the Holy Spirit to use this platform to share her teachings and inspirations from God.